Would you like to transform your health & fitness? If you clicked on the headline then I’m assuming you do. I have awesome news for you. Ready? You can tranform your health and fitness just by changing a few of your not-so–grand habits.
Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy, as my 5-year old might say.
Habits are a funny thing. They’re not permanent but they’re sure are sticky. Different habits can transform our lives in different ways. Good, bad, indifferent. That’s why it’s important to understand our own behaviour so that we can mould our habits to create the best versions of ourselves.
One of my worst habits is waking up in the morning and wasting a good 20-30 minutes on my mobile checking out social media and emails. That’s a half hour that could be used for more productive things, feel good things, growth things – like doing a bit of yoga, going for a run, reading a book, or writing a blog post. I know we can’t spend every waking minute being productive, but 30 minutes seven mornings a week adds up to 3.5 hours, or 182 hours a year.
I’m certain we can all think of better things to do with our time than spend 3.5 hours on social media or surfing the internet every week.
The good news is that we can change our habits if we want to. It takes time and effort, especially at the beginning, but it’s completely achievable. You can create new habits at any age, in any situation, at any time.
The first step is to derail your old habits. You can do that by making conscious choices to do things differently and change the cues that encourage bad habits.
Not sure where to start? Check out below, the habits to transform your health and fitness. Modify to suit your lifestyle because we’re all different and we all have our own unique goals when it comes to our health and fitness and life in general. There’s no right or wrong way as long as you’re looking after yourself!
27 Habits to Transform Your Health & Fitness
1. Start with water
Our bodies are made up of 60% water. Funnily enough, it’s very easy to get dehydrated. When we’re dehydrated we’re more likely to reach for food, feel sluggish and underperform in work and in play. Also drinking a glass of water before each meal can reduce your calorie intake significantly.
2. Eat slowly
It takes approximately 20 minutes for your stomach to register that it’s full. If we rush our meals we’re more likely to overeat. If you’re struggling with weight loss, check out how fast you’re eating. Put the fork down between mouthfuls. Be mindful and present during meal times. It’s not always easy but slow eating is definitely a good habit to get into.

3. Progress not perfection
One of the reasons why many women give up on the idea of losing weight is that they focus too much on the end goal. A certain number on the scale shouldn’t be your end goal or the motivation that keeps you going. You actually have to enjoy the progress and the steps it takes to create a healthier, happier you. Is it going to be easy? No, there are days that you’re going to hate every moment of it. But tomorrow is another day. You only fail if you give up. Quit aiming for perfection and settle for good enough.
4. Get a good night’s sleep
Sleep is paramount to good health but it’s often an underrated factor. The recommendation is 7-9 hours of sleep per night. But most people aren’t getting anywhere near that. If you’re in a highly demanding profession than it’s likely that you’re getting half of that. It’s not always easy to get everything done in the limited amount of time we have but you should not sacrifice sleep to tick off a few extra items off the ‘to do’ list.
5. Alcohol free days
We all know that alcohol is rarely a good choice. I wouldn’t be surprised if you all enjoy a glass of wine or two a few times a week. I know I do. As do most of my gal pals too. Sometimes we like it too much and it’s so easy to reach for a glass of red at the end of a tough day. But that can easily become a habit that’s out of control. It might seem harmless but soon enough you start relying on it to feel good and that can never end well.
Aim for at least four alcohol free days a week. And if you do choose to have a drink, limit it to two standard drinks. I know, it’s easier said than done, but it all comes down to prioritising.
Ask yourself: What’s most important to you – a healthy, happy life or a headache in the morning?
6. Walk every chance you get
Walking is such an underrated habit. Like seriously, we do not walk enough. Those with a sedentary job (I’m a guilty party) spend the majority of our day on our backsides. After eight hours behind a desk my body feels like shit. The only thing that truly makes it feel better is some form of physical activity like a run or some yoga, even if it’s only fifteen minutes.
A walk can do wonders for your health and fitness. Walk to a colleagues desk. Take a walk at lunchtime. Go for a family walk after dinner. Walk. Walk. Then walk some more.
7. Smiles and laughter
We don’t smile enough unless of course we’re too busy taking a selfie or someone else is pointing the camera at us. It’s sad but true. We pretend to be happy for the world but forget to actually take the time to laugh and smile for no reason at all. Laughter is the best medicine and yet we fail to prioritise it. Okay so it might feel a bit odd prioritising laughter in the calendar but with our busy schedules we need to pencil in a comedy night or simply a night out with our besties.

8. Regular weight training
If you’re going to try and create one habit to transform your health and fitness, weight training is definitely one thing you need to add to your repertoire. Many women underestimate the benefits of weight training, although this is slowly changing.
It’s a myth that training with weights will make you bulky. Sure it can, if you load up on carbs and start taking steroids. Most women are not predisposed to bulking up by lifting a few weights.
9. Ditch the diets/fads
Health and fitness isn’t about fads and diets. Our minds get polluted by images and words of weight loss secrets on a daily basis. Whether it’s online or in print on the newsstands or the television, we are exposed to fads constantly. It’s unhealthy and discouraging. The diet industry is worth billions so it’s unlikely to go away but you can choose what you listen to. Ditch the diets and transform your health and fitness for life.
10. Make clever swaps
Instead of giving up food why not swap it? Sometimes swapping can be simpler and easier to maintain. Do you love bread? Choose rye over white. Love fizzy drinks? Sip on soda water instead of cola. Can’t live without dessert? Swap the icecream for fruit and yoghurt. In love with chocolate? Have 20g of the dark stuff instead of half a block of milk chocolate. Swaps can make or break a diet. Make the right swaps and you’ll never yo-yo again.
11. Take a bath – take time for you – self care
Self care is an underrated component of health and fitness. But think about it, how can we really be healthy if we don’t take the time to look after ourselves? Have a bath, fill it with water, bubbles and epsom salts. Relax for twenty minutes surrounded by candlelight and essential oils. Aim for once a week.
12. Dose up on Vitamin D
Sunshine is a must for good health. Did you know that many Australians are deficient in vitamin D. That’s incredible considering that the sun shines over 300 days a year here. But since many of us are stuck inside most of the week due to work or school and then the rest of the time we’ve been advised to slip, slop and slap (Shirt, sunscreen, hats), our skin isn’t exposed to natural sunlight. You need to expose 80% of your body for 20 minutes a day to soak up enough vitamin D. Are you getting yours?
13. Hug the ones you love
I’m not big on physical displays of affection. Sure, I love cuddling my five year old and the hubby might get the odd hug but otherwise it’s not for me. But hugging is good for you and you should do it more often, especially with the people you love. If you’re feeling down a hug from your significant other might be all you need.
14. Journal to keep the nasty thoughts away
I’m a writer so I’m bias when it comes to writing but putting things down on paper is therapeutic. If you’re feeling down why not start journaling. Even when you’re happy it’s a useful way to process your thoughts and feelings.
15. Get your 2 & 5 most days
Fruit and vegetables are your friends. You can eat them to your heart’s content. Chances are you’re not meeting your daily recommended servings of 2 pieces of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables. Consider a serving the size of your fist. If you’re getting your daily recommended dose then I applaud you. Instead of focusing on cutting out food, consider upping the amount of fruit and veg you eat. You’ll find that you end up eating less of the rubbish and more of the good stuff.
Want to know a secret? I like to get a quick veg fix by cutting up a carrot and cucumber and dip into some yummy hummus or spinach and feta dip. An easy two serves with my Friday wine! Add some artichokes, sun dried tomatoes and grapes and you’re on your way to meeting your daily count at least one day of the week!
16. Push ups are your friend
Who would have thought that one simple exercise like the push up can do wonders for the body? Start your day (and your workouts) with 10-15 push ups. Yes, you can do it. If you’re unfamiliar, you can start with push ups on your knees. They will work your upper body – deltoids, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and abdominals.

17. Stop cutting out food groups
Each food group plays a role in your overall health. We need carbohydrates for energy, protein for muscle growth, fat for brain health. We need various nutrients from fruit, vegetables and nuts for our overall well being. Cutting anything out can only lead to deficiencies and illness. So unless you’ve been advised by a doctor for medical reasons, stick to a balanced diet that includes all the food groups with each meal.
18. Grow your own herbs – full of nutrients
Herbs are like magic for your kitchen. They add flavour and colour to any meal. Think dill, parsley, basil, coriander (if you’re a fan), chives. I could go on. We have a lovely herb garden my husband created that I love picking from at all meal times. Chives and dill on the scrambled eggs, parsley on the sandwich, basil in the pesto. The upside of your own herb garden is that the herbs are always fresh, on hand and almost free (minus what you paid for the seedlings).
19. Do things that make you happy
When was the last time you asked someone if they were happy? Has someone asked you? Chances are that happiness is not something we question in our lives. But we should. Instead of being a martyr why not look after you from time to time and schedule activities that put a smile on your face. Life is short, if you want to be healthy and fit, you have to make room for things that make you happy. Even if it’s only fifteen minutes a day, take it and indulge in. It’s the little things that make all the difference.
20. Take a moment to be grateful
Saying thank you is a forgotten art form. Being grateful even more so. In a world where keeping up with the Ks is cool it’s easy to forget all the amazing things we take for granted. A roof over our heads might be the norm but there are millions who don’t have the privilege. A glass of wine with friends. Consider that many are forbidden to drink and/or socialise in groups. Your family. Some have had theirs taken away. Being grateful doesn’t mean not wanting more. It just means being thankful for what you already have.
21. Find your balance
Balance is an overused and abused term. What does it mean anyway? No matter who you ask, the definition will always differ somewhat. Think about the things that are important to you. What would you like to do more of? Less of? Start penciling in things that you love and saying ‘no’ to things that don’t go with your version of balance.
22. Learn to say ‘no’
Such a small, simple word. Yet it’s so hard to say to someone else. Especially, where women are concerned. We often overextend ourselves because we want to please. While there’s nothing wrong with being nice and helpful, sometimes this takes us away from our own needs. Your health and fitness matters. Say ‘no’ to the things that you don’t agree with.
23. Be brave and say ‘yes’
Having said that, saying ‘yes’ can also be a challenge. When new opportunities arise, do you jump at the chance to try them or do you hide away from them believing that you’re not good enough. Say ‘yes’ more to the things that scare you. They will push you and you will discover new heights.
24. Challenge yourself regularly
By saying yes you will give rise to opportunities to challenge yourself. Whether that’s trying a new sport or lifting heavier at the gym. It could be public speaking or signing up for some volunteering. Each challenge will help you grow in a different way.
25. Look after your gut
Gut health might not be the most attractive thing to think about it but it’s very important. Sauerkraut might not be sexy but it’s good for your gut. So are pickles and kombucha, acidophilus and other things.
26. Learn to cook
Cooking should be a part of your daily routine. it’ s really not that hard to put a meal together once you actually give it a go. From a simple pasta dish to fish with salad. You can make food at home at a fraction of the price it takes to get take-out and for half the calories too. If you can’t cook, do yourself a favour and learn by grabbing a ‘cooking for beginners’ book or signing for a class.
27. Love yourself
I’m not going to tell you to look in the mirror and share your undying love for yourself. I mean you can but that’s not what I mean. Loving yourself is being happy in your own skin, forgiving your mistakes, saying both ‘yes’ and ‘no’. Taking time out. Going out and having fun. It means challenging yourself and being grateful for the little things. Don’t always be so hard on yourself. Take it easy. Life isn’t easy but it doesn’t have to be hard. Make it what you want and remember to look after you because if you don’t know one else will either. Sometimes it’s the hardest thing to do but once you start, amazing things follow.
What step are you going to take today to transform your health and fitness?
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