5 Reasons to go for a run…today

1 – Lift your mood
Studies have found that regular exercise like running can boost your mood and relieve symptoms of mild depression. If you find yourself feeling down, a regular run might be just the cure you need. Aim for 3-4 runs of between 20-60 minutes depending on your experience and fitness abilities.  
2 – Improve your circulation
If you spend most of your day butt in chair you’re risking blood circulation problems. Stiffening arteries is not something you want to deal with at any age. Studies have shown that runners and triathletes have a lower risk of blood circulation problems. A regular running routine can help keep your arteries in tip top shape. 
3 – Get healthy
With half the population suffering from preventable weight and diet related illnesses a regular run can set you apart and get your health back on the right path. Runners are healthier than the general population but if you’re only starting out or nursing an injury walking has been found to have similar effects. Runners are more inclined to feed their bodies with nutritious meals and look after themselves. Why? Because if you want to maintain good running form you need to fuel your body correctly. 
4 – Meet new people
Would you like to widen your circle of friends? Find ones with common interests? Or meet the partner of your dreams? Join a running group, it’ll keep you motivated and help you meet people with similar interests. At least you’ll have two things in common – running and staying healthy!
5 – Clear your head
Stress and worry are killers. The average human being spends a chunk of their day worrying about the past, present and future. Most of what we worry about is out of our control so there’s really no point in it. Hit the pavement and think about each step you take. Consider your posture, your form, your breathing. Get rid of all those stressful thoughts and stay in the moment. You’ll return home feeling fresher even if you’re not a fan of exercise