The first run of 2014 was a slow one, just under 8min/km, and a short one, 3km. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised given the pregnancy and the fact that I had just spent Christmas and New Year eating, eating and eating some more. December is generally a blow out and then January is time to clean things up.
Small steps every day that’s all it takes. Listening to your body. Making an effort to just do ten minutes here and ten minutes there. Life loves getting in the way of dreams and aspirations but those obstacles are just there to test how passionate and dedicated we are to achieving what we’ve set out to achieve.
Goals are a personal thing. They vary from degree to intensity and type. As many people as there are there an equal number of different goals, different perspectives and tactics on tackling these goals. Not everyone gets there straight away but it’s the journey that matters not the destination.
I’ve set myself a hefty goal to run over 1000km this year, the year that I’m going to have a baby. Yes, I want to achieve it but what’s more important is the effort I put in throughout the year. Am I running every other day or making excuses not to? So should I not reach that number (really hoping I will), it’s going to be ok as long as I can see that I’m running a little bit a few times a week, less in the first part of the year, and more in the second.
One variable I cannot control is how my body will react with my continued running during pregnancy and after I’ve given birth. I can only hope for the best and reassess my body’s needs with each week that passes. Coming to this realisation is liberating. I can have huge goals but as long as I’m happy to adjust accordingly there’s no pressure that it’s a must. The goal is a guideline for this year, it’s something I can shoot for which will keep motivated to stay fit and healthy throughout my pregnancy and beyond.
A few days ago a good friend of mine posted her mileage for the year. Over 1200km in 2013. When I read the post on Facebook I was so proud of her and excited for her for achieving that. She works full time and has two kids and makes no excuses. The drive and motivation that she’s had over the past few years that I’ve known her is inspirational and she’s only been running for three years. I wish her all the best for this year and hope she meets and exceeds her aspirations and hope that we can run together soon.