Book Review: Run Like Crazy

It’s not every day that you can put your life on hold, take a year off, travel the world, run in places like Antarctica and Rwanda, build friendships along the way and be lucky to come back to a brand new life that’s bigger, and better than the one you left behind. Australian Tristan Miller, seems to have done just that and lived to tell the tale in his book ‘Run Like Crazy: 52 marathons, 52 weeks, 42 countries: how running changed my life’. 
After a divorce and being laid off from his corporate job due to the GFC, he sold his apartment and travelled to all the continents, ran marathons and ultra marathons in some of the world’s most beautiful cities, visited places many of us only dream of visiting, and achieved his goal of running a marathon each week for a year. In between drinking, travelling, sightseeing and adventuring he managed to accomplish an extraordinary feat. To plan such a journey takes an immense amount of commitment, coordination and most importantly cash. It’s not cheap to be hopping from one continent to another week to week. 
I read the book in one sitting curious to find out what his experiences were throughout each marathon. With each marathon there was a little story to tell and I liked reading about the good and the not so good moments of his travels which made the adventure seem real and three dimensional, it wasn’t just about the running but seeing the world and pushing ones body and mind to the limit. 
I had the pleasure to do a phone interview with Tristan Miller last year for a uni assignment I was writing and he seemed like a really nice and down to earth guy who followed a dream and made it into reality and I have been looking forward to seeing a book about his journey ever since. While his journey wasn’t smooth sailing all the way he didn’t back out. He ran on, persevering even when it hurt and managed to score some great PB’s throughout the year. 
Run Like Crazy is a light and enjoyable read that is part entertaining and part inspiring. If there’s only one thing you get out of it, it’s to follow your dreams because you just never know they might become reality.

You can also check out more info about Tristan Miller and his adventure on his website

2 thoughts on “Book Review: Run Like Crazy

  1. Monika said: Kasiu zachecilas mnie i z chęcią przeczytam te książkę 🙂 to nie lada wyczyn biegać maraton co tydzień 🙂

  2. Warto przeczytac 🙂 i jak sie skonczy to sie chce biegac po swiecie! Ja chcialabym gdzies w Europie pobiec maraton – Berlin, Rzym, Paryz, Praga – mozna sobie po marzyc 🙂

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