
Today was dedicated to Christmas shopping… with the children. Not mine, I’m too young to have children, especially children aged 14 and 12. However I like to take my younger cousins for a day out from time to time and since it’s Christmas time I thought it would be nice to buy them something of their liking.

Shoes. That’s what they wanted. Fair enough. We had a goal so the task at hand should have been simple. Not so. Firstly, there were millions of other people doing their Christmas shopping so browsing and moving from store to store was done at a slower pace than usual. Secondly, they wanted a specific pair of shoes, colorful ones, with long shoe laces and that were going to be good for at least two seasons (ok so that’s what I hoped to find). Finally, after about two hours of searching we found a pair for each that they were happy with.

The shopping expedition was a success so we treated them to their favorite junk food – KFC. While I would have preferred to take them for a healthier option like sushi or some Italian but since they rarely eat KFC I figured why not.

While my partner took them home so they could show off their new shoes to their mum and grandparents, I continued shopping. I love shopping but it is exhausting. Standing in queues, searching for the perfect gifts, remembering at the last minute that you’ve forgotten wrapping paper or the bottle of red wine you were going to buy for a friend. But it’s worth it. I love buying stuff for myself, but I get even more satisfaction for buying gifts for my family and friends.

How’s your Christmas shopping going?

2 thoughts on “Exhausted!

  1. I went the easy route and did all my shopping at the university bookstore. My entire family now has University of Texas stuff. I’m sure they are delighted. :/ Happy Christmas!

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