I’m not sure what’s going on with my health. As a person who runs and cycles regularly among other things and eats healthy and works out regularly within different sports I shouldn’t be feeling the way I am. I’m concerned that something more serious may be behind this. The way I feel is quite upsetting. I have noticed though that when I laugh I feel so much better – laughter certainly lifts the mood.
However, my symptoms are persisting and I can no longer ignore them. Of late I have noticed more issues in the lower parts of my body – legs and calves. They often swell up towards the end of the day and feel like my skin is going to be torn apart, I detest circulation problems. The other issues include hot and cold flushes throughout the day – generally in the first half but not necessarily when I get up more so when I get to work. I get tingly and prickly feelings in my body, today it has mostly been my legs. Sometimes there is nausea – which is one symptom that has been bothering me today. I feel light headed and dizzy throughout the day and have little energy to take the stairs which end up leaving me breathless. Lately I’ve also been feeling a strange ache at the back of my head and often pressure all around it – I have no idea what this could be. The last two days have been like this – although what is strange is that I had no trouble running 7k on Wednesday night or cycling 10k on Thursday morning. What’s up with that?
So I’m not sure whether I’m coming down with the flu or something more serious. I hope it’s just the flu. The majority of the time I eat well so I don’t see how this could relate to my diet – I usually drink one cup of coffee per day, rarely two, then 2-3 cups of black tea tand 750ml – 1.5l of water.
I cannot stand going to the doctor. I’ve found that they can be wrong with their diagnosis or just brush of the symptoms because of your age or the fact that they’ve been treating you for decades – hence my lack of interest in paying them a visit. Normally I like to self diagnose and most of the time I’m right, after all I know my body better than anyone else. I can’t figure this one out though and it’s freaking me out. So I’m going to go to a doctor I’ve never been to before and ask for a million and one tests to ensure that I am healthy – I also would prefer one who won’t lecture of the dangers of running and exerting myself in sport – yes unfortunately they do exist.
I’m not going to train today. I haven’t had a complete rest day in about ten days so it’s ok not to do anything although I was hoping for a short run – but no, not today. I’m listening to my body because she is boss. I have guesses to what my problem could be and they include – stress and anxiety, lacking in sleep, erratic blood sugar levels. I hope that it comes down to just needing more down time. There’s also the thought that I might be allergic to office work? Haha
It’s a huge possibility but one that could pose further problems although I’m sure I could find solutions. It could be my body telling me it doesn’t particularly like the lifestyle of waking at 5am to the alarm, training within ten minutes of getting up, rushing to make breakfast (though slowly eating it), being out the door to make the 7 o’clock training, reading or straining the brain with writing or Chinese on the way to work, eight hours in the office doing usually interesting stuff though lately quite mundane, at 5 o’clock rushing out the door for another hour or so on the train, to get home by 6:30, sometimes train sometimes eat, or maybe do some work on the computer and try to be asleep by 10:30/11pm at the latest. I’m actually exhausted just thinking about it. And I feel bad for taking a sick day – my supervisor today (and a few other occasions) had to tell me to go home and I’m entitled to sick days – yeah I know but I still feel lousy and weak for taking them.
So after all that rambling, I’m going to the doctor to see what he or she has to say.
A few hours later…
I went to the doctor, reluctantly of course – I was trying to come with excuses for not going. Well, he said it’s probably stress related but he has requested a few blood tests to check my thyroid and blood sugar levels among other things.