Great Run + Publishing Credit = Good Day

Had an awesome run today – on the treadmill – which I didn’t expect. The intention was to do intervals – 1200, 800, 600, 400, 200 – with a 15 minute warm up and 15 minute cool down. I did the warm up and intervals and found I had lots of energy. Since I get bored on the treadmill quickly, instead of cooling down for the last fifteen minutes I continued to increase my speed each minute until I was running as fast as my first interval. I was happy to call it a day at 61:22 and 12km.

On a positive
and article I wrote for Transitions Abroad about working in Poland can be found here;

Also I found out I passed the second semester of my Masters!

Finally, yesterday I started the third semester so the next few months are going to be very busy – just how I like it.

How is your day going?