Looking back

DSC_0283OMG! What in the world has happened to me? I used to run…a lot.

Changing this blog, moving it from one platform to another, made me go through a few of my beginner posts. Wow. I used to run…a lot.

Yes, I repeated myself. I need to make that sink in.

In recent years, months, weeks, my running is mediocre to say the least. Looking at my mileage on Endomondo, it’s low, embarrassingly low. This year has been full of surprises, both good and bad, and well, running, instead of helping me get through it all, was placed on the back burner.

I used to run 40-60km per week, plus weights and Pilates, and cycling and walking. I was certainly fitter and stronger.

Now, I’m having a good week if I clock 20km, do weights for 20 minutes and do some side kicks and squats as I brush my teeth in the morning.

What has happened? How do I fix it?

One of the issues is that I’m not training for anything particular. Okay, so that’s a bit of a white lie. I am training for something and all will be revealed next week.

The other problem is that I have fallen out of a routine and I’m finding it difficult to get back into one. I want to run before work. I’m awake at 4:45am most mornings regardless of the time I go to sleep. That’s an hour before my alarm is due to go off, and rather than get up and go for a run, I waste my morning just lying there and letting the minutes pass.

Evening runs are out as by the time I get home, I’m exhausted.

Honestly, I feel like I’m in an exercise rut. Priorities are shifting, the days are getting busier and the excuses keep mounting. It’s driving me insane because this is not me.

How do you deal with the excuses, get your butt up and get out to train when all you want to do is sit on the couch with a good book or stay in bed?